Mentions Légales / Information
ELAFLEX HIBY GmbH & Co. KG commercialise des tuyaux, raccords, flexibles et manchons compensateurs pour le transfert de produits pétroliers, chimique et autres produits liquides et commercialise des pistolets de distributions, flexibles et accessoires pour le remplissage de réservoir de véhicules.
Elaflex France est une filiale à 100% du groupe ELAFLEX et distribue tous les produits de la gamme ELAFLEX.
Actipark – Lot n°3
50 rue des Chardonnerets
93290 Tremblay en France
Tel: 01 41 84 06 22
Fax: 01 48 63 21 92
Schnackenburgallee 121
22525 Hamburg / Germany
Tel.: +49 40 540 00 5-0
Fax: +49 40 540 00 5-67
RCS Bobigny: 450 766 506 00023
N° TVA FR26 450 766 506
Capital Social: EUR 8.000
Etablissement Plettenberg
Auf dem Stahl 9
58840 Plettenberg / Germany
Directeurs Généraux:
Stefan Kunter
Contact local: Philippe Nun
Siège Social: Hamburg
N° Immatriculation: HRA 90671
RCS Hamburg
N° TVA: DE 187477901
Actionnaire responsable personellement:
Schnackenburgallee 121
22525 Hamburg / Germany
Siège Social: Hamburg
N° Immatriculation: HRB 64037
Amtsgericht Hamburg
Directeurs Généraux:
Stefan Kunter, Christoph Bretthauer,
Moritz Hiby, Frank-Ulrich Szittke
Conditions Générales de ventes
Sur demande
Disclaimer and Copyright
ELAFLEX can not guarantee nor be held liable that the published information is up to date, accurate or complete, either on our websites or on other websites that are referenced by hyperlink or by name. ELAFLEX can not be held responsible for the contents of these sites.
Structure contents and layout of are protected by copyright. All data shown may only be reproduced with the written consent of ELAFLEX.
The content of the website of ELAFLEX HIBY GmbH & Co. KG (structure / functionalities, texts, PDF-documents, graphics, photos and videos) underly international copyright protection rules.
Third parties may use the contents for their personal use only and do not aquire any rights to the contents, texts, images, data or programs.
Exceptions to this, e.g. Press Releases which are free for publication, are clearly marked as such on our website.
If third parties wish to publicly use or distribute contents of the ELAFLEX HIBY website, this shall be requested in written form at
Without written autorisation, the public use or distribution of our website contents will be prosecuted.
Please Note
Hypalon®, Kalrez® and Vamac® are registered trademarks of DuPont Dow Elastomers.
Viton® und Teflon® are registered trademarks of The Chemours Company.
AdBlue® is a registered trademark of VDA.